Doctor's Practice - Appointments (OBGYN)

About Us

Wilgers Infertility Clinic offers since 2004, the highest quality of service and personalized care to patients and practitioners alike. We are proud to be listed as a SASREG accredited clinic. Our dedicated staff follow a holistic approach to infertility management, focusing attention on both physical and emotional aspects. We realize that each patient or couple is different, and pride ourselves in finding personalized solutions to suit these varying needs.
Having a baby appears to be one of the easiest things in the world, yet as many as one in five couples experience the frustration and sorrow of infertility. Procreation is a natural part of life, and having a baby is a miracle that most people take for granted. With advanced medical technology and expertise, most infertile couples are now able to experience the joys of parenthood.
Providing you with the best infertility care.

Medical Director
Dr. Chris Niemandt
MB ChB (Pret)
MMed (O&G) (Pret)

Kara Raubenheimer
B-Tech (Reproductive Biology)
MSc (Medical Physiology)
At Wilgers Infertility Clinic we consider all available options before embarking on any specific course of treatment. As part of our comprehensive services our standard laboratory procedures include oocyte and spindle imaging for all our IVF and ICSI patients. Laser assisted hatching is performed on embryos when required.
We believe it is essential that couples are physically and emotionally prepared for the process; therefore we regard, supportive counseling, central to a positive experience.
“We are proud to state that we also successfully use the “Slow-Cooling” and “Vitrification” techniques in the laboratory, with regards to the freezing of the oocyte, developing embryos as well as the blastocysts”.